Submission Guidelines:
- In order to ensure the contributors' anonymity, details about author(s) and/or academic/professional affiliation(s) should not be provided in the submission.
- Articles must be submitted in English. As an online bilingual review (English/Portuguese), the author may choose to publish the selected text in both languages as long as the author provides the translation or undertakes its costs.
- UNIO only accepts original texts that are not under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission. In limited circumstances, UNIO may consider articles which have been published elsewhere in languages other than the language of submission, provided that the authors state clearly in the submission that the article is not an original and provides proof of permission to reproduce the copyrighted material.
- Articles should not exceed 10.000 words in length, including footnotes, tables and graphics.
- Abstracts must be a maximum of 200 words, followed by a maximum of 5 keywords.
- Articles should be provided in an editable format (Microsoft word, not PDF), Times New Roman size 12 (text) and size 10 (footnotes).
- Articles should be 1.5 spaced throughout (except footnotes which are single-spaced), with generous margins on both sides of the numbered pages.
- Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are in conformity with the journal’s style.
- When submitting revised articles, authors must signal directly in the text all revisions made. Authors may also send a file in direct response to the reviewers' comments, ensuring no references to contacts, names or institutional affiliations. This file will be sent to the reviewers, hence the importance of ensuring anonymity. Answers and revisions should always be as clear and detailed as possible as to avoid any misunderstandings. Revised articles and any other files should be sent to the journal using the article’s identification information provided by UNIO.
- The authors will be provided a final proof to review for typos. Authors should return the final proof to UNIO - EU Law Journal within 5 days.
- The editor retains the right to make minor stylistic changes to the final version of the accepted article.
- The authors are entirely responsible for the opinions and content expressed in the articles.
- In assigning copyright, authors retain their right to use their own material elsewhere, provided that the UNIO - EU Law Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and the editor (Centre of Studies in European Union Law - CEDU) is notified in writing in advance.